Have you just purchased a cool object that needs a design or renovation plan? You are in the right place for a relaxed and easy going project! Contact us now and kickstart your project with the first design session for free!


a selection of our residential projects over the years.

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Architecture and interior design are closely related disciplines that collaborate to create functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces. While they are distinct fields, they share a symbiotic relationship and often overlap in various aspects of the design process. Here are some key points that highlight the relationship between architecture and interior design:

1. **Spatial Design:**
- *Architecture:* Architects focus on designing the overall structure of buildings, considering factors such as form, function, and spatial organization.
- *Interior Design:* Interior designers work within the existing architectural framework to optimize the use of space, considering details like furniture placement, lighting, and flow within the structure.

2. **Aesthetic Integration:**
- *Architecture:* Architects establish the external appearance of a building, considering factors such as materials, shape, and style.
- *Interior Design:* Interior designers extend the aesthetic vision into the interior spaces, selecting colors, materials, furnishings, and decorative elements that complement the architectural design.

3. **Functionality and Ergonomics:**
- *Architecture:* Architects design structures with a focus on functionality, ensuring that the building meets its intended purpose and complies with building codes and regulations.
- *Interior Design:* Interior designers enhance the functionality of interior spaces, considering human factors, ergonomics, and the specific needs of the occupants.

4. **Collaboration:**
- *Architecture:* Architects and interior designers often collaborate closely during the design process to ensure a seamless integration of the exterior and interior spaces.
- *Interior Design:* Interior designers may work with architects from the early stages of a project to influence architectural decisions that impact the interior, such as the placement of windows or the layout of rooms.

5. **Material Selection:**
- *Architecture:* Architects choose materials for the building envelope, taking into account factors like durability, climate, and aesthetics.
- *Interior Design:* Interior designers select materials for interior surfaces and finishes, considering factors such as comfort, maintenance, and visual appeal.

6. **Lighting and Atmosphere:**
- *Architecture:* Architects consider natural light, orientation, and the overall ambiance of the building.
- *Interior Design:* Interior designers enhance the lighting design, selecting fixtures and optimizing artificial lighting to create specific moods and atmospheres within interior spaces.

7. **Project Continuity:**
- *Architecture:* The architectural design provides the foundational framework for the entire project.
- *Interior Design:* Interior designers bring the architectural vision to life by detailing and furnishing the interior spaces.

In summary, architecture and interior design are interconnected disciplines that work together to create holistic and well-designed spaces. The success of a project often depends on the collaboration and synergy between architects and interior designers throughout the design and construction process.

A selection of residential projects designed by Standard Studio.

They range from a tiny 17m2 student home in Rotterdam to a 350m2 luxury apartment in Amsterdam and from an old 1950s school building to a 1930s industrial warehouse transformed into a luxury loft.

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