The quiet Belgian seaside town of Blankenberge is the unlikely new home to the concept store Escape. On the main boulevard leading to the ocean, the spacious family owned shop has been through three generations and now dramatically overhauled by the youngest daughter who has taken the helm. Meet Joelle, a youthful and energetic woman, with a huge passion for discovering new places. Having traveled the world she came to Standard to design a concept store inspired by the things she had encountered on her trips. The concept of Standard Studio was to create an eclectic space that feels like a home, transforming the former bag shop into a modern & inviting retail experience, where one can get inspired and go escape.
That is the name of the store, ESCAPE, and is appropriate as this is what Joelle does during her travels. She loves to explore the world as finds lots of hidden gems to bring home and shares the experiences with her loved ones. For this new store she wanted to do the same, but for a bigger audience. That is why ESCAPE is a place that makes one feel like a guest, or even a friend. The moment you enter the store you already feel welcome and at home. Surrounded by big cabinets filled with souvenirs and accessories from all over the world you already feel intrigued and comfortable enough to start snooping around Joelle’s treasures.